Friday, March 31, 2017

Escort Max 360ci Beats ALP, Stinger Laser Jamming in Early Testing

Escort Max 360ci Beats All Comers in Early Testing

Escort's new shifters dominate the ALP and Stinger VIP jammers

BREAKING: 03/31/17

Escort Max Ci 360
Escort Max Ci 360

Hold on to your hats boy and girls!

Escort's new Escort Max Ci 360 and Escort Max Ci are going to shake things up in a big way.

Early testing has shown that their new laser shifters (which will be available as a separate stand-alone system) dominated a recent "closed" test.

DragonEye Compact
DragonEye Compact (VPR)
When pitted against a late model Dragon Eye Compact (VPR) laser gun the results of jamming performance were:

  • AntiLaser Priority (Triple): 70% effective
  • Escort "Shifters" (Dual): 100% effective
  • Stinger VIP (Triple, non fiber): 0% effective (including no detection)
More testing is, of course, in order, but initial tests are demonstrating that Escort will be establishing themselves as a provider of class-leading laser jamming systems.

Expect some more test results (along with videos) when our install is formally completed, the test mule will remain a Silver E39 BMW and I'll be retiring all the previous remotes: the Beltronics STiR, Beltronics STiR Plus, and the Escort Passport 9500ci.

ALP, K40, and Stinger...there's a new sheriff in town.

Veil Guy

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