Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Best Laser Detectors Review and Comparisons Test 2009

Ultimate Best Laser Detectors Reviews and Comparison Tests 2009

As some of my close followers know, I have been in the process of revisiting our groundbreaking laser detectors review and comparison test that we conducted nearly three and a half years ago.

Since that time laser detection performance has noticeably improved on most models and new models have been introduced into the marketplace as well as a couple of hybrid laser detection/laser jamming systems.

We felt that time now merited a re-visit with the latest versions of the most popular selling police lasers.

I am pleased to report that after a good number of long days and some delays that the results have finally been tabulated and charted.

Beyond our improved performance charts, I hope you find the commentary as illuminating.

Enjoy the following full review!

Ultimate Best Laser Detectors Reviews and Comparison Tests 2009

Veil Guy


jwardell said...

Interesting test. I would love someone to test laser filtering--how well, if at all, they ignore nuisances like infinity laser cruise control systems. I'm repeatedly "amazed" how well my V1 will notify me of an infinity passing the other direction, 4 lanes over. The LI is not as angle-sensitive, but if you are unfortunate enough to have an infinity following you, it will scream bloody murder till your head explodes or you turn it off. I still think these manufacturers could lock in to the specific pulse pattern like they already do with laser guns, and cancel their alerts.

Max said...

Thank you for posting this!!

I've been looking for a 2009 review for a few weeks now.
Can't wait to read it when I get home from work.


P.s.: The email address seems to be down. I tried sending emails several times and they bounced back.

How do we contact Laserveil now?

Max said...

Could you please update the chart with a legend?

I'm kind of confused what the colors mean?

Green is good detection, or bad detection?

Could you also test the combination of 9500ix coupled with Zr-4 shifters plugged in?

Did you post a radar test as well?

Veil Guy said...

The colors are explained in the 1 page accompanying story.

Green means detected in every instance.
Yellow means detected occasionally.
Red means no detection in any circumstance.

Veil Guy

Veil Guy said...


OK. Added legend descriptions above the charts. Thank you for your feedback.


Veil Guy

Speedtrap Hunter OH said...

FLAWLESS work as always Veil Guy

Max said...

Thank you for adding the info. It's much faster to see at a glance now.

I did see the detailed description when I got a chance to read the whole article when I came home from work.


Depending on if you want to expand the scope of this test, it would be great to see how the Blinder M25 and M27 stacks up against the Zr4 heads in the 9500ci.

Can't wait to read more of your tests in the future.

Anonymous said...

I guess pretty soon you'll have to update this yet once again with the Redline. :)

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