Friday, July 11, 2008

Escort Passport 9500ix Upgrade Path (from the Escort Passport 9500i)

I just received the official low-down, from Escort, today, about the upgrade path of the Escort Passport 9500i to the Escort Passport 9500ix.

First off, the Escort Passport 9500i will continue to be offered in the red-display model for a suggested retail of $449USD. The Escort Passport 9500i Blue model will no longer be offered by Escort (which did retail at $499USD).

The good news is that the new Escort Passport 9500ix will now be offered in its stead at the same price point of $499USD as the previous Passport 9500i Blue models.

The other bit of good news is the Escort will, indeed, offer an upgrade path for existing owners of either model(s) (red or blue) of the Escort Passport 9500i to the newer and more capable Escort Passport 9500ix.

The cost of upgrade will be $89.95 (for ESP owners) or $129.95 (for non ESP owners) and will include the replacement of several processors and memory of larger capacity—to handle the extensive database and additional processing—as well as a new top cover of the radar detector which will carry the new model designation of ix.

The display colors will not be replaced. So if your Escort Passport 9500i started out as a red display model, it will remain a red display model. No plans, at least at this time, for Escort to offer a red display model of the Escort Passport 9500ix.

Escort's ESP (Extended Service Plan) can be purchased either at the time of initial purchase or shortly there after for the amount of $29.95USD. But, I am told that existing owners of Escort Passport 9500is who did not initially purchase ESP will not be able to purchase ESP at the same time of the upgrade (to save $10) in process.

Like the Escort Passport 9500ci, the Escort Passport 9500ix will be able to have both its database and firmware updated by software and a USB cable connection to your PC.

It certainly appears that the new 9500ix is going to end-up being one of my preferred radar detector choices on business trips, considering this one portable device (which can be easily taken on a plane flight) will be able to effectively detect and alert to the presence of police radar, police laser, and red light camera, and fixed speed camera locations throughout North America.

Frankly, I am loving the recent innovations that are coming from the leading radar detector manufacturers.

With the Draconion threats (like the re-establishment of a national speed limit) and the Orwellian threats we are facing—in today's political and corporate profiteering climates, "high" gas prices, (local, state, federal) government budget shortfalls (and the impulse to further gouge, us citizen "consumers" in the process with greater heavy-handed "enforcement" tactics) —the new 9500ix could not have arrived at a more propitious moment!

My hat's off to the fine folks at Escort for continuing to evolve with the times and for creating products to, at least, help at leveling the "current playing field."

Trustworthy Purchasing Source(s):

Related reading: Escort Passport 9500ix Announced

Veil Guy


Anonymous said...

9500i purchasers were lead to believe that they could upgrade their units by use of a USB cable. It now appears that major hardware changes are warranted. Seems like a huge client service issue to now ask those same purchasers to pay $120+ to get some of the functionality that was originally advertised with the 9500i.

Unknown said...

I just got the 9500i (it was 299 so I couldn't resist). I chatted with Escort tech support about using the USB cable for updates and was told"
"Currently, the 9500i USB port is used internally for our Engineering and Service Department. We are working on software that will allow the 9500i to save Marked Locations and will be released soon (late summer) .

Long term, we hope to be able to give customers the ability to do minor software updates from home/office. There are no updates currently needed for the 9500i. Let us know if you have any concerns with the 9500i.

We just released the new 9500ix which has a preloaded database of speed cameras and red light cameras. And the ability to download firmware updates (if ever needed) or changes on the saved location database. You have the option to buy the 9500ix upgrade for the current 9500i.

$129.95 for the ix upgrade. Or you can return the 9500i and purchase the 9500ix. Locations and will be released soon (late summer) . Long term, we hope to be able to give customers the ability to do minor software updates from home/office. There are no updates currently needed for the 9500i.

If the 9500i was recently purchased factory direct, you can send back for exchange / advance order on the 9500ix.

If it was just purchased at a retail store, you may want to return it and pre-order the 9500ix. Or there is also an upgrade to the 9500ix available.

Unknown said...

More info on the upgrade. The upgrade includes a 3 year database subscription.

As for how long the upgrade takes:
"It normally takes less than 2 weeks to get back to you . But, we just got word to recommend customers call back within two to three weeks for a request to upgrade . We are waiting on parts needed for upgrade since it is hardware change done to make it into the 9500ix. "

If you recently bought the 9500i and don't have the Extended Service Plan:
"The cost for any ESP is just $29.95 and it will be transferred over to your 9500ix should you have an upgrade performed."

Veil Guy said...


If you are referring to the hardware changes required to add new functionality, functionality that I don't believe was indicated to be available in the original Passport 9500i (ie; pre-loaded Red Light Camera, Fixed Camera locations) then I believe your comment isn't exactly a fair one.

The Passport 9500i appears to me to be the first of a new-breed of radar detectors from Escort that are evolving rapidly to the growing threats we face.

I say rapidly because how long has the Passport 8500 X50 been in production prior to the release of the more capable Passport 9500i?

Pretty darn long. I am personally thrilled that Escort is stepping up their tempo in producing fabulously capable radar detectors.

If you don't want/need the ability to detect red light cameras and fixed cameras, then stick with your Passport 9500i, in fact, it is still being offered (in the red only version).

But, if you want the latest and greatest iteration from Escort (of the new series), then the new Escort Passport 9500ix is certainly merited.

As we talk about upgrades and possible hardware, software changes for a fee, the Valentine One has been doing this for more than a decade and a half!

Be thankful that Escort is finally adopting a similar approach. I sure as hell, am.

Veil Guy

Anonymous said...

This is just ridiculous! I've purchased 9500i based on advertised features (USB data port) being aware they will release the firmware upgrade to include DB service. Now, they want $130 for an upgrade??? They call it misleading advertisement, and it's a good candidate for the lawsuit...

Anonymous said...

I am not a happy escort owner. When the 9800i came out with a usb data port I figured by reading adds that this port would allow me to keep up with the upgrades. I had a 8500 and it was already old tech. So I sold the 8500 and purchased the 9500i. Less then six months later the 9500i is replaced and the usb data port on the 9500i is useless.
"They call it misleading advertisement, and it's a good candidate for the lawsuit..." I agree, Lets go! I am selling the i and will not be purchasing a Escrap again!

Sunny Spot Realty Inc./Owner Agent said...

I saw a utube test of the Passport 9500i and I assume it is the same as the Ix I have. It shows that if it blocks a location due to a false alarm like a bank, it stores the location. However if a cop is in this location with a radar unit, it will not detect the stored location of the new threat. I thought it stored location by frequency and a new threat would be detected.
What is wrong with this? Am I correct? What can be done?
Url of utube video test

Veil Guy said...

Although I have yet to encounter a situation where this situation has actually occurred, I have been aware of this.

I believe this particular GoL video has been around for a good long time and was made with an early version of the original 9500i.

I suspect the engineers at Escort have since worked or are working on their programming to mitigate this from happening on their newer units.

At this time, however, I can not conclusively say one way or another if this "issue" has been thoroughly resolved.

Perhaps I can inquire and get some additional feedback for you.

Veil Guy said...

Screwed again,

It sounds to me that with this logic, Escort is damned if they do and damned if they don't...

IMO, the 8500 is still a fine detector and I suspect you more than got your money's worth during its operational service life.

I hear your frustration, but, I think it is a bit unfair to damn Escort because they chose to further improve their units.

In this high-tech world, upgrades/updates happen.

This is a good thing, not a bad thing.

And the simple fact is with the much expanded capability with either the 9500ix or the GX65, the hardware platform needed major upgrading (ie; CPS & Memory) as a result.

Escort has provided a nominal upgrade fee (something that the V1 has been doing for years), which again, in my opinion is inexpensive, given the significance of the new capabilities.

For the last three years, both Beltronics and Escort have firmly established their engineering leadership in this industry.

Instead of "condemning" Escort, I'd be praising them for the continued improvements to their models.

Calling for a class action lawsuit???

Put your energies into fighting the real problem: corporate profiteering foreign photo enforcement companies.

Unknown said...

Just got off the phone with their customer support - they WILL upgrade if you bought from an authorized retailer - in my case - Best Buy. Still costs $130 and takes 2 weeks.
Once complete, they ship back via ground.

Veil Guy said...

Good deal.

Given that your unit is receiving a completely redesigned circuit board with greater CPU and memory capacity, not to mention a database (which is licensed, at a real cost, to them) of red light and fixed speed cameras, it sounds to me that you've been treated fairly.

That is a lot of increased capability for merely $130 and once you get used to it, you are going to absolutely love it.

Very pleased to hear that you got a good resolution.

Good luck with your new 9500ix.

Anonymous said...

Escort Passport 9500ix -- Received a ticket today. Escort didn't even alert. Motorcycle cop using a Road Prolazer III

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